
  • Outstanding PhD Student Award, GMU CS, 2024 (to Murong Yue)
  • Recognition for Service on Hangs-On Generative AI Tutorial, GMU CEC, 2024
  • Top Reviewer, NeurIPS, 2023.
  • Accelerating Foundation Models Research Program, Microsoft Research, 2023
  • Editor Commendation, Journal of Business and Psychology, 2023.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021.
  • Graduate Student Research Award, OSU, CSE, 2021.
  • Presidential Fellowship, OSU, 2020
  • Selected to Rising Stars in EECS, UC Berkeley, 2020.
  • Graduate Students Poster Award (Honorable Mention), OSU, 2020.
  • NSF Student Travel Award for The Web Conference 2019 (WWW'19).
  • Graduate Students Poster Award (Honorable Mention), OSU, 2019.
  • Travel Grant for CRA-W Graduate Cohort for Women, San Francisco, 2018.
  • Beijing Outstanding Graduate Award, Beijing, 2015.
  • First-class Scholarship (top 3%), BUPT, 2012, 2014.
  • Second-class Scholarship (top 5%), BUPT, 2013.